Category Archives: Vespers

Changelog 2014-07-28


It was an interesting and successful week, with another foray into the C++ engine code. I haven’t done that since the upgrade to AFX 1.1, so it took a while to get reoriented to the code. I’m not particularly good with C++, but I know enough to get by and make necessary minor changes. This time, I needed to find a way to make objects partially transparent, at a level specified by me. To this point, we were incorporating opacity into the object prior to exporting it to DTS format, but the game engine doesn’t seem to play well with that. With respect to the holy water, it was resulting in weird visual problems, where the water was either completely invisible (a layer sorting [More...] Read the rest

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Changelog 2014-07-21


Busy week last week, with a lot accomplished. We’re still working on that holy water, trying to get good animations for the water motion while working out some of the persistent issues with object visibility. Some weird stuff going on there – at times, the water looks fine, while at other times, the visibility of the water block object is inconsistent. I’ll be spending some time trying to figure that out, but in the meantime it looks like we have a good animation for the “spinning” version. The main thing I advanced was the handwritten note found on Matteo in Act 2. In addition to creating the game object, I was able to create a nice detailed image of the note with the handwriting, [More...] Read the rest

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Changelog 2014-07-14


Most of the week was spent working on the holy water shape and animations. Although it’s straightforward to create a semi-transparent shape with an animation sequence on the surface to represent water, there were several places we got tripped up by the system. The biggest one had to do with transparent object sorting, which meant that the water object was not being rendered on top of other objects but rather behind. So the font itself was obstructing the view of the water inside of it. We fiddled around with different options, but in the end we got it all sorted out (so to speak). Most of the rest of the work dealt with finding good, cheap animations to license to represent the different versions [More...] Read the rest

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Changelog 2014-07-07


As expected, not a huge amount of progress this past week due to the long holiday weekend. Nevertheless, we still made a bit of progress in a couple of areas. Nothing new on the devil prayer front, but we did finish the final two idle animations for Ignatius. Once these are exported and undergo final adjustments, we should be done with all animations for Act 2, and NR can move on once again to the second cutscene and Act 3 while I handle all of the exporting and loading into the game for Act 2. Also, NR solved the issue of animating the holy water in the font using 2-D IFL animations, so we can now have nicely animated holy water for Acts 2 [More...] Read the rest

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Changelog 2014-06-30


This past week saw us focus primarily on two areas: the final two idle animations for Constantin, and arranging the components of the devil prayer. The idle animations for Constantin required a bit of back and forth with the game to make sure they interacted properly with his bed, but I think they turned out pretty nice. So, as of now, Constantin has six idle animations for Act 2, idleA through idleF, whic hopefully will provide a decent variety of actions. The same actions will apply to Ignatius once NR has those complete, at which point I’ll then focus more on exporting and implementing all of Constantin’s and Ignatius’s Act 2 animations. The devil prayer continues to take shape, with now all eight arms [More...] Read the rest

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