And, there we go. Another IFComp come and gone, with the winners announced this past week. It sounds like the 15th Annual was on par with most, although there appeared to be significantly fewer games overall than in the past (24, compared with 35 last year, 43 in 2006, and 36 in 2005). An ominous sign? Not the way I see it. As others have pointed out elsewhere, this year could be considered an excellent year for IF — in particular, non-comp pieces. We saw quality, ambitious works such as Aaron Reed’s “Blue Lacuna” and Jimmy Maher’s “The King of Shreds and Patches”, not to mention Textfyre’s release of their first two commercial pieces, “Jack Toresal and the Secret Letter”, and the acclaimed [More...] Read the rest
The monk turns to you and proclaims: "The Monk's Brew is a blog about indie game design, development, and play, with a particular emphasis on the adventure genre. It is brought to you by Rubes, an indie game developer from Salt Lake City, Utah."Read more about this blog here.
The monk looks up from his mug and utters: "Rubes (Mike Rubin) is an indie game developer who started gaming with text adventures and this book, even before the heyday of the Apple ][. He's also the budding pioneer of a new genre in computer gaming, three-dimensional interactive fiction (3D/if). His first project in this genre is Vespers."
The monk clears his throat and begins: "Vespers is an adaptation of Jason Devlin's interactive fiction work of the same name. It is an experiment to discover what kind of horribly disfigured offspring might result from the mating of an IF engine with a 3D first-person graphics engine."
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