JET LAMP SLC: A few thoughts about the event…

…in no particular order:

1. Loved it. The event went off without a hitch. Brewvies was a great place to have it, especially with the beer and food to go along with the big screen. I was a little worried at first, since it was a pretty large theater with 160 seats, not intuitively conducive to an informal screening and discussion. But seeing the film up on the large screen was very cool, and the post-movie discussion actually worked quite well.

2. This:

Impressive lineup

was exceptionally cool to see. Not sure why, but this probably made the night. That, and seeing Jason’s reaction to it.

3. Who knew? Taking photographs of a cinema marquee, no big deal. Taking photos of the lingerie and sex shop next door to the cinema, not all that appreciated.

4. Final head count was 52. I was a little worried about the turnout, mostly because of the size of the theater. I was really hoping for at least 40, so I was extremely happy. Also, we only lost 2 people during the show, and even those people left about half way through. It wasn’t like they got 10 minutes into the film and realized the terrible mistake they had made.

5. The great thing about Jason is that he can so effortlessly entertain a room. Some really great questions from the crowd, and he just took them and carried the discussion in all sorts of interesting directions. Someone even got in a question about, which was nice to see.

6. Best un-asked question of the night: “I dragged my girlfriend to this show. Do you have any recommendations on how I might best make it up to her?”

7. When I went to go grab the DVD from the player in the projection booth, there was a DVD of Inception sitting right nearby. Oh, the temptation.

8. We had the place reserved from 7 to 10PM, and we got kicked out. Getting kicked out is never a bad sign.

All in all, a fantastic event. It was nice to hang out all afternoon and evening with Jason and to get to know him a bit better. I’m glad everything worked out well, and it seemed like he had a genuinely good time here. Now we’ll just have to come up with another reason to have him come back. I’m sure we’ll be able to fill the place next time.

Thank you to all who came and helped make this a great evening!

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  • By "Jet Lamp" Report on September 14, 2010 at 8:16 AM

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