Monthly Archives: June 2014

Changelog 2014-06-30


This past week saw us focus primarily on two areas: the final two idle animations for Constantin, and arranging the components of the devil prayer. The idle animations for Constantin required a bit of back and forth with the game to make sure they interacted properly with his bed, but I think they turned out pretty nice. So, as of now, Constantin has six idle animations for Act 2, idleA through idleF, whic hopefully will provide a decent variety of actions. The same actions will apply to Ignatius once NR has those complete, at which point I’ll then focus more on exporting and implementing all of Constantin’s and Ignatius’s Act 2 animations. The devil prayer continues to take shape, with now all eight arms [More...] Read the rest

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Changelog 2014-06-23


Only a few items to discuss this week. The new hare object for Act 2 needed a slight adjustment, so NR took care of that, and the final hare object was loaded in. We began the process of fixing one of Constantin’s idle animations for Act 2, as well as starting on a few new ones for both Constantin and Ignatius. Also, with the last devil arm completed for the prayer spell, I got those items exported and inserted into the main working directory, and started on the code to put everything together. Finally, I discovered something new an unexpected from the Torque scripting language that I never realized all this time: the random number function getRandom(), when passed a single number X as [More...] Read the rest

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Changelog 2014-06-16


Now with weekly screenshots! See below. This past week was a little slow as we got back in the swing of things, but we still accomplished some good things. We got a new model for the skinned hare to use for Act 2 and beyond, which is now implemented and functional, and NR completed the work on the final Satan arm and zodiacs for the devil prayer. The zodiacs are installed and working, and now I just need to export the final arm and get all of the arms positioned and timed appropriately. So I’ll probably be spending some time this week working on that prayer. I also finally found and fixed a long-standing bug that affected the inventory screen, whereby an object selected [More...] Read the rest

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Changelog 2014-06-09


Bit of a slow week last week. It’s traditionally a very busy week at work, as this is the time grants get submitted, so there’s a lot of extra work effort put in. In the meantime, I continued work on the Church items, and worked with NR to start correcting some animation glitches in the Act 2 work for Drogo and Cecilia. We also ran through the list of new work to be done and decided on what is to be next. NR also completed the first draft of the final Satan arm for the devil prayer, which will now undergo some refining.


One week period leading up to 2014-06-09:

  • Began creating code to swap Church items as needed during the
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Changelog 2014-06-02


Back into the swing of things this past week. My entire focus has been on the Church items, a set of 11 items that change over time during the game, sometimes based on the player’s actions. Some of these items change by a quick swap of textures; others require complete changes of models and textures. In some cases, these are associated with other changes as well, such as to lighting or position. Up until now, I’ve only had to implement the base objects for Act 1, but now that I’ve moved beyond to Act 2, it was time for better organization. So I finally created an Excel file to track the various changes over time (model, texture, other things), which I can then implement [More...] Read the rest

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